
Stare slack jawed crossword
Stare slack jawed crossword

stare slack jawed crossword

This plug of water serves as a seal to prevent sewer gases entering into the home. This P-trap has at its heart a U-bend that retains a small amount of water after the sink is emptied.

stare slack jawed crossword stare slack jawed crossword

Most sinks in a home have a P-trap in the outlet pipe that empties into the sewer line. Paul was the brother of writer and illustrator Armstrong Sperry, who was noted for his historical novels set on sailing ships. The Sperry Top-Sider is a brand of boat shoe that bears the name of company founder Paul A. 33 Shoe company that makes Top-Siders : SPERRY Although we call the river the Rio Grande on this side of the border, in Mexico it is called the Río Bravo or Río Bravo del Norte (Spanish for “furious river of the north”). The Rio Grande (Spanish for “big river”) is a waterway that forms part of the border between Mexico and the United States. Versions originating outside of Italy have replaced the aubergine with breaded cutlets of chicken or veal. The original parmigiana was made with an aubergine (eggplant) filling, with cheese and tomato layers and then baked. Parmigiana is a dish from southern Italy. In the world of IMs (instant messages), a BFF (best friend forever) is a VIP (very important person). 25 Person who might be chosen to be maid of honor, for short : BFF The familiar term “veep” comes from the abbreviation “VP” that’s used for “vice president”. In French, one might learn from a “maître” (master) in “une école” (a school). The Joint Army/Navy Phonetic Alphabet starts with Able, Baker, Charlie and ends with X-ray, Yoke, Zebra. The Joint Army/Navy Phonetic Alphabet was introduced in 1941 and used by all branches of the US military until they transitioned to what’s usually referred to as the NATO phonetic alphabet. The name “Allah” comes from the Arabic “al-” and “ilah”, meaning “the” and “deity”. 15 Name that appears 2,698 times in the Quran : ALLAH Like any animal that humans have over-bred, the horse falls prey to genetic diseases, some of which are fatal and some of which require the horse to be euthanized. The Arab (also “Arabian”) breed of horse takes its name from its original home, the Arabian Peninsula. 14 Horse often used in endurance races : ARAB The female form is “rani” (also “ranee”) and is used for a raja’s wife. “Raja” (also “rajah”) is a word derived from Sanskrit that is used particularly in India for a monarch or princely ruler. You're only as smart as the weakest link, which is not my computer.Today’s Wiki-est Amazonian Googlies Across WTF is DEFOE, the opposite of de friend in Brooklynese? Ha ha ha dumb computer, you made another mistake! Then I stared at the next result, FRIEND or FOE and DE_. One of the first findings the program spit out was HOT OR NOT and LIKEAS_.Īargh, idiotic computer, I'll kill you, die die die! LIKE A SNOT isn't a thing! It took a couple of sleepless nights to realize that I could write a program that would find phrases containing the X string of letters, then substitute in the Y string, and finally check to see if the result was in my word list. Stupid computer and its inability to do what I want. Hello, computer, find phrases using the X OR Y pattern, and then find partial strings where both X and Y can form valid words. Why not tell my computer to do the work for me? At first, I did all my sifting and sorting manually, but that felt like writing a book by typewriter. In my mania, I ran through at least three dozen X OR Y phrases. It's so cruel when you come up with an exciting seed idea but can't find other examples.

Stare slack jawed crossword